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A Shed For Recharging

Updated: Jun 4

Teresa Maisonet-Menendez has a demanding job. She works as a special education teacher in the Lake Travis ISD. It’s important for her to have a peaceful place where she can relax and recharge in order to be ready for her students the next day.

For Teresa, the garden is that place. She’s a whimsical gardener, not confined to the traditional notions of what a garden can, and cannot have. Bottles take the place of traditional edging, and a pig shaped Thai grill rests peacefully on top of a small wine cabinet.

Teresa was considering a shed from a big box store when she ran across our Ulrich sheds online. She liked that our Garden Cottage shed style would fit in with her whimsical garden. Since she has a small backyard, she settled on a small shed.

Only 8 ft wide and 10 ft long, the shed fits her backyard nicely. The smaller size meant replacing the standard double doors with a custom single door. That way she could still have a 2×3 ft window on the front of her building. Her shed includes our ridge and eave vent system, as well as a small wrap-around loft for overhead storage.

Besides the gardening itself, Teresa also enjoys writing poetry, reading, and meditation. Once the inside of the shed is finished out, Teresa plans to enjoy all of these activities in her Ulrich shed.

Teresa, thanks for investing in young students! We wish you many happy hours of relaxation and time to recharge in your new shed!

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